(Original image HERE.)
Congratulations, Jon.
And, no, sadly, I wasn’t at this one; I was cruising at 36,000 feet en route to LAX, where I subsequently spent two hours searching for my missing luggage. Thirteen hours after pulling out of my driveway in the Boston area, I arrived at my hotel, only to discover that Jon Boy had pitched a gem. So, of course, I stayed up to make this here image. It is now 5 a.m. ET. Time for bed. Thanks, Jon. Great timing.
(P.S.: It might be time to mix in some more of those comic-strip type things; these Photoshop projects are a lot of work … which is why you haven’t seen any in a while. But does anyone want to see more of the comic-strip thingamajigs from me, or do they get a thumbs down? Please leave a comment below and let me know.)